This paper aims to present a case study with a corrosion monitoring systems using ultrasonic sensors of high resolution in the monitoring of internal corrosion of pipelines and their applications in mining that can be used in petrochemical industries, Gas, Oil, Sanitation, etc … This system has probes which are mounted on the surface of the pipeline and has characteristic of being of the non-intrusive means of intelligent probes. This system provide a high resolution of 0,00254 mm (0.0001 inch) to measure the thickness of the pipelines storing this information over time is used in the calculation of internal corrosion with high precision instead of another ultrasonic systems. Provides a reliable data for corrosion management and the basis to satisfy external audit as those made by regulatory agencies. Finally we conclude that it is ideal to meet the ICDA (Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment) standard, and allows easy and a correct monitoring of corrosion in places of difficult access to high cost benefit compared to other methods of monitoring intrusive for example.

Trabalho apresentado na Rio Pipeline 2013 – Sr. Eduardo de Oliveira